So we have been opened for a while now and things are going great! Considering the strange times we are currently in- the cafe has been well attended and we are getting fantastic feedback about the food, drink and atmosphere. Lots of people are coming to the cafe to escape being stuck in their homes and are enjoying chatting to the staff or other customers (socially distanced of course!).

We are open from 9.30-2.00pm Monday to Saturday. Jo- Cafe Manager, and her lovely band of volunteers run the cafe Monday to Friday, and the Deputy weekend manager Alexa runs the cafe on Saturdays with the help of lots of brilliant young people.


We have decided to award all front line workers 25% off their purchases- just bring your ID card and show it at the time of ordering.

Also remember to pop in on your birthday as you will get free cake ;-)


Weekly craft sessions

Helen and Di run weekly craft sessions that run on alternate Monday mornings 10.30am-12.30pm and Thursday evenings 7pm-9pm. No need to book. See the facebook page mollyscommunitycafesteeplclaydon for dates of upcoming sessions or give the cafe a call on 01296 708239. Recent sessions have included needle felting (image below), air dried clay, kumihimo bracelets and lots more! Feel free to bring your own crafts along to work on or try something new! It’s a lovely social atmosphere and great way to meet new friendly faces